Credit cards are really a small plastic card that is issued by the monetary organizations to the users to buy anything on credit bearing the guarantee to pay the money along with a definite quantity of interest to the organization in a fixed period of time. Most of the credit cards are issued to the user by the home banks or credit unions. Their shape and size will be ISO/IEC7810 standard as ID-1.
Credit cards are issued after an account has been accepted by the credit supplier, then only the card owner can make the dealings. At the time of acquire, the credit card owner signs a receipt which includes the card details and the sum that is to be paid. The user is given a PIN number which they have to give at the time of making the purchase.
Every month, the credit card user is sent a declaration representing the purchases occurred with the card, any exceptional cost, and the total amount owed. After having received the declaration, the user if in case of uncertainty can look for any explanation over the operating cost or any charges that are stated to be wrong. If there is no argument, the cardholder has to pay a definite amount of the bill by the due date or else he/she will have to pay the same charges but with fine to the whole amount owed.
There are certain monetary institutions that make some agreement for the mechanical payments choice, by which the amount will be directly deducted from the user's bank accounts, which really avoids the late payment.
There were various banks that issue credit cards like the Kotak Mahindra bank and Canara bank credit cards. The Kotak Mahindra credit cards are issued in two Visa Gold Cards, Visa Signature Cards and Visa Platinum card. The Kotak bank credit cards operates on four basic rules in order to aim different strata of customers like paid, self employed, mass wealthy and wealthy. The basic aspect of this card is that it is the first vertical card design launched in India, besides, its charges are very easy in nature. It also gives 10% cash back on dining and purchase of movie tickets round the year. They also have a very rich credit card portfolio that include the likes of Trump Visa gold card, Fortune Visa Gold card, League Visa Platinum card and Royale Visa Signature Card.
On the other hand Canara bank also provides various credit card services. Credit cards provided by the Canara bank is named as CANCARD, which is a generally accepted card that features under the main membership of Visa International and Master card International. It also provides free insurance cover to its user. As per the bank criteria, the person should have a least amount of Rs.60,000 deposit in bank. Moreover, there is no most limit for the increase of cash and the person can get extra points by using this card.
Use Credit cards to make the payments Easily
on Wednesday, July 29, 2009
business and finance